
Nataliey Bitature: How to boost your self-confidence

boost self-confidence Nataliey Bitature

“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation,” Arthur Robert Ashe Jr., said.

As the quote from the award-winning American tennis player suggests, we hope by reading these tips from Nataliey Bitature, the founder of Musana Carts, you’ll start on your journey to building self-confidence and ultimately what you want to achieve in life.

The Psychology Dictionary Online defines self-confidence as “our self-assurance in trusting our abilities, capacities, and judgments; the belief that we can meet the demands of a task.”

Bitature, in her LinkedIn video, says she prepared these tips of boosting self-confidence for women but even a man can read and learn a ton from them, because why not?

1. Understand your strengths

Nataliey Bitature says that each one of us has a certain skill, a feature they can optimize to get the best out this life.

“Firstly, it is important to understand your strength as a person. Everyone has strength. You may not think you’re particularly skilled or an expert at something but I assure you everyone is good at certain things,” she says.

“So, you need to know what your strengths are and play them up.”

2. Be grateful for what you’ve

Instead of focusing on what you don’t have and beat yourself up over it, why not start appreciating the good that you’ve?

“Be grateful of what you have and understand that this is part of yourself love journey,” she says. “You have to know your value and be able to provide it and share it with your work community and the community around you.”

Must read: Nataliey Bitature: How to stay on top of your game as an entrepreneur

3. Practice using your voice

Speech anxiety also known as Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. The vast majority of mankind (more than 75%) has this phobia and when not dealt with it can affect one’s quality of life since most careers involve a situation where you’ll have to talk to a group of people.

Bitature advises that you start slowly on your journey to delivering better speeches by practicing in small groups, for instance, meetings.

“… it’s important to practice using your voice and try to speak up in meetings,” she says. “One of the things I read in Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In (which I highly recommend for all working women) isis to try and speak at every meeting, have a comment or a question and just challenge yourself to start practicing.”

4. Appreciate what you can offer and give

“It is important that we take some time and appreciate what you can offer and give because you are worth something and there is a reason you are in the position you are in, so make sure that you give it all the value you have,” Bitature says.


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