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How to find Netflix movies or TV shows through codes

Netflix offers you an option to search for category-wise content, but that might not be enough for you. So, when you tap on ‘Comedies’ in the Category section, you get all the movies and TV shows accordingly. But, what if you want to watch Horror comedies or Sports comedies, or Romantic Comedies? There are codes for sub-categories so that you can easily find the content you are looking for.

All you need to do is visit, and tap on the sub-category. Netflix will then display the preferred content.

Netflix recently officially launched ‘Play Something’, a feature that will play a new series or film based on your tastes. It will also play a series or film you’re already watching, or an unfinished series or film “you may want to revisit”. Netflix is launching this feature globally on its TV app.

Once available on your screen, the Netflix Play Something button is visible under each profile name. It can also be found in the tenth row on the Netflix homepage, and in the navigation menu on the left of the screen.

Read About: What is Netflix ‘Play Something’ and how do you use it?

The most annoying bit about streaming services is the autoplay. It always happens that when you open Netflix and are searching for something, the trailers or previews of whatever you wish to watch start to play. Do they even mind about your internet? No, they don’t!

The good news is: You can do away with this autoplay disturbance. This simple guide takes you through how to disable it all, be it a trailer, preview, episode, name it.

Read About: How to disable autoplay on Netflix

How to find Netflix movies or TV shows through codes
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