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How to add a tweet to your Instagram Story

We are shifting from the tiresome process of taking screenshots of tweets and adding them to your Instagram Story. Yes! Twitter is currently testing a way of directly sharing Tweets on Instagram Stories. The company says they are exploring how to make it easier for you to do this. For starters, the sharing is possible for select iPhone users, after which it should roll out to other users.

The tweet you’re trying to share should be public and visible to the general public on Twitter and not posted to a private or protected account. You also need to be logged in to your Instagram and Twitter accounts on the device you’re using.

How to add a tweet to your Instagram Story

  • Find the tweet you wish to share to your Instagram Story.
  • Tap on the “Share” icon, which resembles an arrow pointing upward.
  • In the menu that appears, tap on “Instagram Stories.”
  • The Instagram app will open a new draft for an Instagram Story.

You can now interact with the shared tweet as though it is a sticker. You can move it around by tapping and dragging the tweet, or you can resize it by swiping your fingers together or apart. Put the finishing touches on your Instagram Story as you’d like it to appear. Then, you can choose to share it with all of your Instagram followers, a single person, or a group of multiple Instagram users.

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How to add a tweet to your Instagram Story
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